Re/DeTrans Canada
The Re/DeTrans Canada research study is a qualitative, interview-based project that seeks to build knowledge and supports for detransitioners, retransitioners, people who stop transitioning, and others who experience shifts in gender identity after initiating a gender transition.
Our study objectives are to examine how individuals experience changes to how they experience their sex and gender, transition and detransition processes (social, legal, medical), and to identify detransition-related healthcare and social support needs. We also aim to develop better guidance for care providers who work with trans, nonbinary, gender-fluid, detrans/retrans, and other gender diverse populations who change the direction of their transitions.
Team Members:
Dr. Kinnon R. MacKinnon (Principal Investigator; Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, York University
Dr. Alex Abramovich
Dr. Hannah Kia
Dr. Travis Salway
Dr. Ashley Lacombe-Duncan
Dr. Lori Ross
Florence Ashley (PhD candidate)
Ariel Gould (PhD student)
Gabriel Enxuga (Research Assistant)
Main Contact:
Dr. Kinnon R. MacKinnon (
Major Funding Sources:
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Insight Development) funded this project.
We define transition as inclusive of any social, legal, and/or medical interventions to affirm a transgender/nonbinary identity. We define detransition as inclusive of any social, legal, and/or medical interventions to discontinue or reverse a past gender transition, specifically associated with a change in how the individual experiences their sex or gender. We define retransition as re-initiating a transition following a temporary detransition, and we also recognize that some individuals may apply the term "retransition" as a term to describe transition discontinuation/reversal or shifting from a binary trans identity (e.g., FTM) to nonbinary.