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Understanding the sexual and reproductive health needs of young bisexual women in Toronto

This project is a community-based focus group study aimed at understanding the positive and negative factors that contribute to young bisexual women’s sexual and reproductive health (SRH), the challenges or obstacles to maintaining their SRH, their perspectives of existing SRH disparities observed among young bi women, and their suggestions for change.

Team Members:

  • Cheryl Dobinson (Principle Investigator, Planned Parenthood Toronto)

  • Carmen Logie (Co-Investigator, University of Toronto Social Work)

  • Lori Ross (Co-Investigator)

  • Corey Flanders

  • Giselle Gos (Planned Parenthood Toronto, Project Coordinator)

Main Contact:

Corey Flanders (; 416-535-8501, ext. 30587)

Funding Source:

Women’s College Hospital Women’s XChange 15K Challenge

Project Outcomes:

The data analyses are still ongoing. Current findings indicate that young bi women perceive bi-inclusive resources and spaces, and improved education for the public and service providers about bisexual issues as sexual and reproductive health needs. Further, participants reported that biphobia, monosexism, and heterosexism all influenced their sexual and reproductive health directly (such as through sexual assault) and indirectly (such as through a negative impact on mental health, which affected sexual behavior). Participants' suggestions for change include more education for service providers, the creation of bi-specific sexual health resources, programs, and spaces, and educational resources for the general public about bisexual issues. In addition to these findings, analysis of the data indicates that young bi women perceive their sexual, reproductive, and mental health to be interconnected with one another, and expressed the need for more holistic approaches to healthcare services that recognized these interrelationships.

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