We're seeking applications for projects that are BIPOC, trans/non-binary, and sex worker led that advance SRHR in your communities!
Up to $5,000 is available for individuals and up to $20,000 for women’s rights organizations and youth-led organizations.
📅Be sure to apply before March 10!
Youth Focused Funding Opportunity
Between CAD $1,000-$5,000
Are you between the age of 18-29 years old and have a public engagement initiative you want to organize in your community to draw attention to SRHR issues that are important to you? Maybe it’s a film screening, virtual dance concert, a workshop, a radio debate, a discussion panel, an art installation —there are so many creative ways to raise awareness!
Eligibility and requirements
Applicants must be between 18-29 years of age at the time this application is submitted to be eligible for selection.
Individuals are only allowed one submission.
These creative public engagement SRHR initiatives must take place in their Canadian based community, excluding Quebec.
Women’s Rights and Youth-Led Organizational Funding Opportunity
Up to $20,000
Do you know a women’s rights or youth-led organization in Canada doing great community engagement work on SRHR? If so, we encourage you to check out the eligibility requirements and share this funding opportunity with them.
Eligibility and requirements
Organization must self-identify as a women’s rights organization and/or youth led organization.
Organizations must have a Canadian registered business/charitable number.
Organizations are only allowed one submission.
The proposed sustained community mobilization on SRHR must take place in Canada, excluding Quebec.